On Thursday, Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing and hailed Pakistan’s partnership with its neighbour as “made in heaven”.

Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar meets Chinese President Xi Jinping 
on sidelines of the3rd Belt and China Forum on Thursday.  

"We will constantly remain with China and trust you indiscriminately," the chief told President Xi during a gathering uninvolved of the third Belt and Street Discussion (BRF) for Inter­national Participation.

The chief is in China on a two-day visit to go to the discussion which is being held in the midst of the background of progressing festivities stamping 10 years of the China-Pakistan Financial Hall (CPEC).

A day sooner, the two nations had chosen to extend the extent of the multibillion-dollar framework project, which will currently enhance to regions like modern turn of events, ICT, job undertakings, mining and mineral investigation, and horticulture.

During his gathering with President Xi today, PM Kakar communicated Pakistan's "profound responsibility" to China. He portrayed the ties between the two nations as "better than honey" and an "iron-clad fellowship".

"The sort of worldwide difficulties that numerous countries are confronting today, they need answers — profound and long haul replies. Furthermore, the Belt and Street Drive is a response to that multitude of inquiries," Kakar said.

He expressed that the way of modernisation embraced by China for the past numerous years was an example for Pakistan on how a nation could change the existences of millions of individuals.

Kakar repeated that Pakistan would stand undaunted with China and there was no "contradicting view" in such manner.

"I emphasize that Pakistan won't permit anything to subvert our essential association and we really intend that. We will keep on fortifying, understand and explain in our activities [… ] we won't simply show responsibility through words yet in addition through activity," he said.

The Chinese ought to be guaranteed that Pakistan wouldn't "reclaim an inch" in that frame of mind with China, the PM promised.

Independently, in a post on X (previously Twitter), Kakar said: "President Xi consoled that China would keep supporting Pakistan's power, regional uprightness and improvement, and would keep supporting us in saddling our geo-monetary potential and as a center point of provincial exchange and financial matters, which is our common vision".

He added that the Chinese President had likewise acknowledged his challenge to visit Pakistan at the earliest.

PM looks for Chinese speculation:

Recently, Kakar likewise met various Chinese corporate chiefs, state-run Radio Pakistan announced.

During the gatherings, the chief urged Chinese firms to investigate the "immense venture possible in Pakistan, particularly in data innovation, horticulture, environmentally friendly power, material, computerized economy and the mining area".

As per the report, the PM informed Chinese money managers about Pakistan's drives for monetary and monetary solidness.

Sharing Pakistan's vision for reasonable and comprehensive turn of events, he illustrated Pakistan's financial backer cordial strategies, including the foundation of the Unique Speculation Assistance Gathering, which he said would go about as a one-window stage to work with unfamiliar venture.

In the mean time, Chinese business people advised the chief on their business portfolios in Pakistan and communicated interest in working with Pakistani accomplices.

PM Kakar likewise welcomed the chiefs to Pakistan to examine their financial matters with the important pastors, Radio Pakistan added.